Deciding how to manage my brand design after leaving the BBC in 2009 was a new process for me. I wanted to create my own brand identity, and so I explored a few options. After a couple of years, I decided it was more vital to use my own name. My name is quite rare, which helps.

A creative business card design
My new business cards and my website logo were designed by Brighton based designer sister. It’s brilliant the way my initials ‘j’ and ‘l’ have been designed to represent either me filming with a camera or me editing at a workstation. Stylish! I prefer business cards with a 70mm x 27mm shape as they can always find space in a clients wallet. The screen-printed versions will look great.
As well as designing the logo for the website and cards it’s also been developed into a Favicon which you can see to the left and above of the domain address in your website browser. The ‘jl’ design when used with the master VAG font (commissioned by VW in the early 1970s and the font used in my logo) also works well for website thumbnails and social media sites.
The main strengths of my complete logo are that it spells out my name, what I do and also incorporates a design that reflects my work. The combination of all three points demonstrates my brand’s robust design aesthetic – everything a strong logo should do. My great logo is now helping me promote my skills as a freelance filmmaker. The ‘j’ could be either be me filming or editing, and the ‘l’ is the tool – i.e. the camera or the computer.
Even though the core services that I offer continue to evolve and update my original brand design still works for everything that I offer. Using the same logo, the additional text has been to the business cards when required. My branding and logo have also done well when edited onto the end of many of my films and videos. I love how the timeless design will continue to serve me well in future years.
If you have any questions or would like advice on anything regarding your video production or video post-production, please do drop me a message. If you need any graphics, logos or music creating, then do let me know and I will put you in touch with my creative sister.